According to rob nicholls , associate professor in regulation and governance at the unsw business school, one of the reasons policymakers and consumers alike are riled up at facebook ’s behaviour is because of what is perceived to be a continued lack of responsiveness to regulatory intervention. Combined with the separate issue – that they were sitting on a trove of information that showed facebook knew it was causing harm and chose not to act – makes for a poor look. “they didn’t use the information they had to change the approach,” he says. “you’ve got something that looks not dissimilar to big tobacco. Yes, there are harm issues, but no, we’re not going to talk about it.
1.4 Facebook and the Unavoidability of Business Ethics
Digital ethics facebook futuristgerd (this is a guest post by the futures agency curator peter van ) in facebook’s provocations of the week , frederic filloux is presenting a wide-ranging discussion on the business practices of the social media behemoth. The post includes an interesting video about the need to break-up the big four (gafa). In a related conversation with scott galloway , arete research’s founder richard kramer offers a compelling analogy between google and jpmorgan (at 3:24) “imagine if jpmorgan owned the new york stock exchange, was the sole market-maker on its own equity, the exclusive broker for every other equity in the market, ran the entire settlement and clearing system in the market, and basically wouldn’t let anyone see who had bought shares and which share or certificate or number they bought… that is google’s business model”.
Why it's unethical for businesses to use Facebook
Limiting the use of consumer data or cutting ties with facebook altogether may seem like an unfathomable choice for businesses. However, taking a stand now could pay dividends down the road. “research over the last several years has shown that customers prefer buying from companies that are aligned with their personal values ,” wall said. In 2018, nike was one of the first major brands to take a controversial stand with its colin kaepernick commercial. Since then, many more companies have taken stands on social issues that align with their brand values, such as racial injustice, voting rights, gun laws, climate change and lgbtq rights.
Did facebook violate any of the acm code of ethics ? for example, consider principles 1. 2, 1. 3, 1. 6, 2. 7, 3. 1, and 3. 7. Sheryl sandberg criticized the actions of alex stamos, facebook’s chief of security. What actions did he take that she disagreed with? was stamos acting ethically or unethically? justify your answer by reference to one or more principles in the acm code of ethics. Was sandberg acting ethically or unethically? justify your answer by reference to one or more principles in the acm code of ethics. As a company, what is facebook ethically obligated to do now? justify your answer by reference to one or more principles in the acm code of ethics.
The trouble with Facebook
Facebook changes its policies frequently, like a child switching up the rules to a game of his own making: a sly update when it’s personally beneficial, a knee-jerk pivot when in trouble. Everyone else—the platform’s users and advertisers—is left scampering and contorting to comply. The cambridge analytica scandal shed a light on the social platform’s inner workings perhaps more than any algorithm or design update prior. The guardian and the new york times found the data firm paid to acquire facebook users’ personal information through an outside researcher, aleksandr kogan, who created a data-harvesting personality quiz app that told users (in fine print) that it was collecting the information for academic purposes—a claim facebook did not verify and was not true.
In It To Win
On sunday, october 3rd, shortly before “60 minutes” aired an interview in which frances haugen outed herself as the facebook whistle-blower, mark zuckerberg, facebook’s c. E. O. , posted a video that began with his wife, priscilla chan, sitting on a sailboat. She grins for a second, as if posing for a photo; then she turns, her grin starting to fade; then, apparently realizing that she is being videotaped, she does her best to sustain a smile. In the final edit, the sound of whipping wind was replaced by duke ellington and john coltrane playing the opening bars of “in a sentimental mood.
Social media is great and we should definitely use it to the extent that we enjoy it and it benefits our practices. Really. There is a need, however, for our field to come together on developing and following some standards and best practices for managing confidentiality and boundaries in the cyberworld. I imagine that 2019 will be a year where we start to put our backs into this effort. Stay tuned for more.
Facebook essentially sought to manipulate people’s mood. This is not a trivial undertaking. What if a depressed person became more depressed? facebook says that the effect wasn’t large, but it was large enough for the authors to publish the study in a major science journal. This experiment is scandalous and violates accepted research ethics. In 1974, following revelations of ethical violations in the tuskegee syphilis study, congress passed the national research act. At tuskegee, researchers followed african-american men with syphilis for decades and did not tell the subjects when penicillin became available as an effective treatment. The researchers feared that the subjects, if informed, would take the drug and be cured, ending the experiment.
The "combatting financial conflicts of interest in government act" was drafted by committee on house administration chair zoe lofgren, a california democrat who's close to house speaker nancy pelosi, in a largely insular process in the months following an april hearing on the subject. Asked about the outside advocates' concerns about blind trust provision, a committee spokesperson told insider that it's intended to "provide rulemaking flexibility to supervising ethics offices to contemplate new and improved forms of qualified blind trusts in the future. "the spokesperson added that the committee "continues to receive feedback" on the bill and "will evaluate further refinements as a regular part of the legislative process.